Enforcing Preliminary Reinstatement of Whistleblowers

Exxon Mobil fired whistleblowers and refused to reinstate them defying court orders.
Exxon Whistleblower Case to Determine Ability of Corporate Whistleblowers to be Preliminarily Reinstated The Third Circuit Court of Appeals is currently deciding whether a court can enforce orders that call for the return of whistleblowers to their jobs while their cases move forward. This case is critical because it will determine whether whistleblowers have a way to protect themselves from retaliation. The case involves two scientists who worked at Exxon Mobil. The scientists raised conc...

Restore Whistleblower Protections from Retaliation SCOTUS to Hear Case

Protecting Whistleblowers from retaliation is essential.
Whistleblowers are important in uncovering fraud and abuse, but they risk their careers, personal lives, and finances when they come forward. Protections for whistleblowers are crucial, and it is illegal for companies to retaliate against employees who report illegal activity. In the case of Murray v. UBS Securities LLC, The Anti-Fraud Coalition, with support from Better Markets and The National Employment Lawyers Association, filed an amicus curiae brief to the U.S. Supreme Court. The brief ...

Sarbanes-Oxley Whistleblower Prevails in Administrative Review Board Appeal

The Department of Labor Administrative Review Board’s decision in Dietz v. Cypress Semiconductor Corp., establishes important precedent on the broad scope of protected whistleblowing under the whistleblower provision of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act and clarifies the standard for proving constructive discharge. Dietz’s SOX Whistleblower Case Dietz brought suit under the SOX whistleblower law, alleging that Cypress constructively discharged him in retaliation for disclosing to James Nulty, a Sen...